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  • Writer's pictureisabellerieken

Peg Doll Breaks the Internet

The first idea that popped into my head was making Kim Kardashian's "Break the Internet" cover picture into a minimalistic peg doll.

My original plan:

  1. cut various sized wooden balls to be her bun, chest, and butt.

  2. the bottle and champagne glass will just be piece of wooden dowel painted accordingly

  3. once the wooden balls were connected, I would stain them darker parts (her dress and hair) that darker shade

  4. lastly, the champagne stream would be made of laser cut acrylic and connected the bottle to the champagne glass since I didn't want her to have arms

What Actually Happened (the process):

Here are the raw materials!

1. I took the balls for the chest and butt and glued them together on their flattest sides.

2. I then took a dremel and sanded them to fit the curve of the peg doll

3. Meanwhile, I was testing the stain on the hairline and liked it at first...

4. Then I glued the chest, butt, and bun to the doll and applied the black stain

The Issue: The black stain was bleeding and looked really uneven; overall looked really messy so I knew I had to try something else

5. I then tried spraypainting, which look much better, but because I didn't really take my time with the taping, still left me with ugly edges.

Here, you can see the ugly edges

6. I then cut the dowels for the champagne bottle and champagne glass and colored them accordingly

7. I laser cut the champagne spray that is holding the champagne bottle in the air; they are connected with hot glue

8. The "pearl necklace" is just a thing wire strung with small white beads

9. Lastly, I took some acrylic paint to clean up the lines; not perfect, but better...


- take my time with spray painting!! I know it can look nice but it was really easy to get frustrated.

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